03 January 2008

Adventures in Oblivious Copy Editing

This is the front page of Wednesday's Ann Arbor News celebrating Michigan's victory over Florida in the Capital One Bowl, played New Year's Day in Orlando. Michigan's head coach, Lloyd Carr, had previously announced he would be retiring after coaching this one last game - a big deal in the land of Michigan football fandom.

I really hope that the person who wrote this headline is proud of their handiwork, because I am. It'd be a shame if this choice of words was completely unintentional. Yes, I will run with the innuendo:

So, it is great to be a Michigan Wolverine.

I was unaware the game was played in Thailand.

Best severance package ever.

Way better than a gold watch.

Maybe the Rose Bowl isn't that special after all.

There's a time and a place for everything...it's called college.

Carr was overhead asking, "Can I retire again?"

Always read the fine print of the Capital One credit card application.

Russell Crowe was unavailable for comment.

It's good to be the coach.

1 comment:

Abby said...

That's great...I hadn't seen the paper. I'm sure that the choice of words were unintentional, but i'm sure they are hearing about it after the fact! Happy New Year!