02 May 2007

Laundry Episode One: The Whites

This will be the end of my fascinating video extravaganza for a while, as I am finally out of new footage.

These two laundry clips are rarities of sorts as I hardly ever do my own laundry. I suppose, if I had my own washer and dryer I'd do it myself, but the space in my apartment reserved for those appliances I took over for more shelving and a space for my microwave. The main reasons I don't do my own laundry are the time and effort it takes for me to get it done by myself; it is just not worth it. The laundry facilities in my apartment complex are in a separate building that, while within a suitable walking distance, require me to shuttle any clothes I want to wash back and forth in my van. On one occasion during the first year I lived here, I attempted to take a small load of dirty clothes to the laundry building. After some serious consideration and struggle as to how I would get the door (at which point still had a regular door knob) to the laundry room open without losing my basket of clothes on the ground, I discovered that I wasn't going to be able to get the washing machines to turn on. The coin box on the washers has a metal flange around its periphery that physically prevents me from being able to insert the necessary change into the machine.

Since that experience, if the person helping me with doesn't have time to wait out the hour-plus laundry cycle of washing, drying, and then putting the clean clothes away, I have had them just start the clothes in the washing cycle and then I can manage the rest. In essence, that is what is depicted in these clips. What is lost in the editing of the footage is that it takes me upwards of twenty minutes or more, depending on the size of the load of laundry, to unload each washer. The one time I did the whole process on my own, starting with unloading the washers through the drying cycle and then folding and putting the clothes away, I was at it for four hours.

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