31 March 2006

You are Looking Live!

Welcome to the new website. Bookmark this address. The Carepage website served me well, but I decided that for the things I'd like to do in the future the old structure was a little too limiting. This site will allow me to do everything I was doing on the old one and in reality nothing too different, but in a more streamlined and open setting for you guys - direct linking for example.

Although it was kind of tedious setting this thing up, I've been enjoying the process. I only inadvertently deleted all my template modifications once.

I want to thank everyone who kept tabs on things over on the Carepage. Kudos to Amy Derkos for being far and away the most frequent visitor to the old site checking in 262 times in the 2+ years of it's existence! That breaks down to nearly 7 visits per actual update (just a word of advice Amy, stay away from slot machines). As much as I'd like to encourage that kind of devotion to this site, I know my own track record, so if you'd like to be notified when I put a new posting up click the link in the sidebar under the heading "Want Updates?" and follow the instructions that follow.

Feel free to poke around. I archived the last year's worth of posts from the Carepage, so you can still access all your old favorites.


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