29 March 2007

You're Welcome

My latest venture into public speaking was met with much appreciation if the Thank You notes I received from the students I spoke to are any indication. Here are some of the more entertaining compliments. On a side note, try to guess the vocabulary word of the day.

Denny has a positive outlook:
Chris C. was able to work two good vocabulary words into his letter:
Emmy R. enjoyed our in-depth conversation about long-term disability benefits. She also had a little extra time on her hands:
Megan H. came away from our talk with several more questions. Pay attention next time, Megan, I covered all of these topics already. She also was able to work the word of the day in her letter:
Michela B. is fond of hearts. She also coined a new phrase for tomfoolery amongst friends:
Noah C., like his brother, also has a large vocabulary. Just wait until I incorporate pyrotechnics into my presentation, Noah. Then it will really “dazzle”:
Troy E. still has a little trouble with double negatives:
Toraki is not impressed with my vocabulary, but I still think he did an excellent job capturing my likeness:

Well kids, it was my pleasure. I’m glad you enjoyed having me at your school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, that is hilarious stuff. Smart kids. It appears our education system is in a state of undecline.