Me Tube
Turns out, I'm fascinating -- or at the very least, attention-sustaining in two- to three-minute bursts. Since posting my bedside dressing trilogy a week and a half ago, the video clips have received nearly 3400 viewings on YouTube. I haven't done the necessary research to confirm whether that running total is gangbusters for your average, extreme-niche YouTube video clip or not (obviously it will never be Dick In A Box, numbers-wise, but you've got to start somewhere). A dozen of those aforementioned viewers went so far as to subscribe to my YouTube "channel" in, what I can only surmise to be, anxious anticipation of future offerings from me of grainy video clips augmented with bomb-assed soundtracks.
Well, I've answered. For it's grainy video I have and a massive library of bitchin' tunes at my disposal, with which I've cobbled together yet another surefire interweb video classic. Some of you may remember the footage that comprises the beginning of this new clip from the twelve-minute docu-drama DY's Rehab Video featured on this very website in the spring of last year. What you didn't see then is new footage, recorded and catalogued over the course of this last year, documenting what might be construed by some as "progress." Call it DY's Rehab Video - Redux: this time around featuring hi-tech digital transition effects, new informative captions, less talking, and more -- all in a concise, under four-minute run time.
Feast your eyes on this!
(by the bye, according to the troubleshooting guide on YouTube there is nothing that can be done at this time to change the video screenshot, aside from re-editing and slightly shortening the video - decidely not worth the effort)