Pre-Portugal Update
Here's an update on everything that's gone on or is going on to date. The combined fundraising efforts of family, friends, friends or friends, coworkers, and complete strangers helped me raise over $69,000 in the last 6.5 months. $46,200 of that money is funding my upcoming surgery in Portugal. The remainder and all other future fundraising will go towards my rehabilitation when I return.
I have 395 contacts in my address book of people, couples, and families that sent donations through checks, that I have been able to return thank you notes. That figure doesn't include all of the countless others who gave cash donations at the various fundraising dinners, soup luncheons, coin drives, and the pasty sale. And that figure also doesn't include everyone who helped organize & run those various fundraisers. The efforts that everyone has put forth, on my behalf, are truly phenomenal. I’m extremely thankful.
My mother, father, and I will be leaving tomorrow (Tues, March 29th) afternoon on our way to Portugal. I can thank friends who have friends in high places for financing my flight and getting me an upgraded, first-class ticket. This will be my first flight experience separated from the huddled masses back in steerage, so I’m definitely looking forward to taking advantage of all the accoutrements and services in front of the curtain. But, it will also be my first flight since my accident so it remains to be seen how wheelchair-using air travel differs from my previous ambulatory air travel experiences. The airline industry does not have a sterling reputation when it comes to accommodating wheelchair users.
We will arrive in Lisbon around 1:00pm local time on Wednesday and my surgery is scheduled for sometime on Friday. I don’t know how much sight-seeing I will get to do while we are there, but I guess that will depend on how much needs to be done at the hospital before Friday and how long I’m laid up at the hospital after. We will fly home on Sunday, April 10th.
A couple weeks after I get back, I will start at Rehab Institute of Michigan in Detroit with their physical therapy program.
Depending on the availability of computer access, I’m hoping to get a chance to post an update or two while we’re in Portugal.