There Is A Light... the end of the tunnel. The light is but a flicker, but it is there. I found out today that there is hope for a conclusion to the saga of the pressure sore coming in the form of a plastic surgery procedure. Finally.
The procedure is scheduled for September 17th. Why almost a whole month from now? Why not sooner? Because any sooner would be, well, convenient. And the U of M Plastic Surgery department isn't in the convenience business, they're in the Michigan Difference business! Or so I've been told.
Post surgery convalescence will be a stay of three to five days in the hospital followed by a scant six weeks of total bed rest. Wait, an additional six weeks? C'mon, what's six more weeks of lying around when you've already logged over fifty? I mean besides "the rest of September" and "October."
I suppose there is a chance this sore could heal on its own in the intervening month and I wouldn't need to have the surgery, but that would be way, what's the word?
Anyway, so there's a light somewhere down at the end of the tunnel.
I just hope it isn't a train.
That would suck.