09 October 2007

If I Could Feel It, It'd Be A Pain In The Ass

At 7:30am tomorrow (Wednesday), or today depending on when you read this, I'm having surgery at UM Hospital on this pressure sore I've been dealing with for the past 6 weeks. The procedure I'm undergoing is to have an infected portion of the ischial tuberosity (consult diagram or local medical student) removed and the tissue around it cleaned up. The bone needs to be removed so the infection doesn't spread through the pelvis. Unfortunately, this surgery won't actually close up the wound, but in fact make it bigger. The wound needs to heal from the inside out, so I'm expecting about six weeks of post-opt antibiotic treatments, continued daily cleaning, packing and dressing of the sore --all while spending as much time off of my ass as possible. Then depending on the state of the wound, a possible second surgery to finally close up the wound. At that point, I will require 24-hour bed rest until the site "gets all better."

I should be at the hospital until Thursday, maybe Friday.

Good bye Fall. Hello Christmas.

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